Thank you for the first 5 years!
1,825 days ago, today we opened the doors to Golf Addiction Sioux Falls. To say it feels like yesterday is a massive understatement. We have been blessed with some of the best customers and friends while on this journey. Adam & I are more than excited for the next 1,825 days and can’t wait to continue to grow not only our business, but also our friend base. So, thank you all for supporting our small local business and for all your business the past 1,825 days.
To all of our employees, there is no way we would be here without all of you. From past employees to present, all of your dedication and hard work has been a motivator for Adam & I. We can’t thank you enough for the past 1,825 days. We do have the best employees in the world. Thank you for putting up with the ups and downs for Adam & I over the time. Starting a business isn’t easy, but when you have a great team like we do, it’s much, much, easier. Thank you for being awesome!
To our families, thank you doesn’t justify the sacrifices and patience you have given us over the past 1,825 days. You have given up the most important thing in this world, your time and we appreciate it more then you know. From not always being home when we said we would be to late nights, thank you for putting up with our crazy schedules. Thanks for always being there and making our lives easier. We love you!
So, in closing, thank you all for your business, your friendship and your support. We don’t take anything for granted and appreciate you all. We’ve learned in life and business that you are better off taking it day by day and not to assume your future. So, thank you for an awesome 1,825 days!
Thanks for the first 5 years!
Adam & John!